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AKAL Celebrates Annual Meet 2022

AKAL Celebrates Annual Meet 2022

We, at AKAL, are delighted to announce that our Annual Meet 2022 was a huge success on the 27th of May 2022. Hosted by Miss Bakshin Kaur, the event focused on acknowledging all the employees’ contributions to the company’s success, sharing the year-end report and how we will grow exponentially in the next 5 years.

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It was a rare and special day for us all as we got to gather under one roof without any division, be it department or team, donning our matching black t-shirts with the Contract Jobs logo, and white t-shirts with Akal Japanese Academy logo printed on the front.

And add the educational and motivational speeches from the pillars of the AKAL family, Mr Sarabjit Singh (Managing Director), Mr KS Johar (COO) and Mr Brijesh Janveza (Assistant Vice President), made the night even more memorable.

On the subject of Akal’s Growth Road Map, Mr Brijesh Janveza (Assistant Vice President) said, “This was a good year for AKAL. We are on a path to becoming the first online staffing platform with contract-jobs.com. We also saw a 60% growth, and at the rate we are going, we can expect to see a 100% growth in the coming year. Every one of you sitting here today has played your part in our growing success, and for that, I thank you and know that you are a valued member of the AKAL family.”

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Mr KS Johar (COO) spoke about how instrumental Akal Japanese Academy has been in introducing Japan’s rich cultural heritage to people through Japanese language courses and gave us insights into the Japanese outlook of working by introducing the 3Ks –

  • Kimerareta Koto ga – What has been decided
  • Kihon Dori – Exactly as per the standard
  • Kichin to Mamoru – Must be followed

The closing speech was given by Akal’s Managing Director Mr Sarabjit Singh. “As you all know, Akal means Eternal and our mission has always been to serve the greater good. With over 450 million unorganised workers in India, we will continue to stay true to our purpose to bring about a social change by delivering employability to people living in the remotest corners of the country,” he said.

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The standing ovation that followed his words of gratitude and encouragement was well-deserved.

The warm ambience of the Essex Farm’s conference hall and the booming cheers given to the employees as they went on stage to collect their awards made the occasion even more exciting.

NomineeAward NameAwarded For
Harshika JunejaFuji StarBest Performer In Akal Japanese Academy
H. LalthianghlimiInternet StarBest Content Writer Of The Year
Arvind ChhikaraStar PerformerBest Performer In Finance
Kawaldeep SinghSales SuperstarBest Sales Performer Of The Year
Krishn ChauhanRecruiting ChampionBest Recruiter Of The Year
Yatindra Kumar SinhaTech SuperstarBest Performer In Technology & Software Development
Seema JoshiStar AcceleratorBusiness Growth Accelerator
Mandeep SinghRising StarBest Debut Performer
Jasmeet SinghInnovative StarFor Thinking Outside The Box
EPG TeamDream TeamFor outstanding efforts & contribution towards technology & software development
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Once the main event ended, the real party began. With a plethora of scrumptious Indian delicacies, an open bar, a DJ and a huge dance floor, the atmosphere was euphoric. We all danced the night away.

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From hanging out with work friends to making new ones, educating speeches, entertaining activities, good food, and good music, we can confirm that the Annual Meet 2022 was an eventful and unforgettable experience for everyone at AKAL.

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Last modified: July 20, 2023
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