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What Is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

What Is Object-Oriented Programming

As the name suggests, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) refers to programming languages that use objects to structure code. OOP aims to model real-world entities, incorporating inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism concepts. The primary goal of OOP is to bind data and the functions that manipulate that data together, ensuring that only specific functions can access certain data. This approach helps to maintain code organisation, enhance security, and promote reusability.

This article shall cover object-oriented programming basics and the best OOP languages in 2024.

What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organises software design around data, or objects rather than functions and logic. An object can be defined as a data field that has unique attributes and behaviour. This approach is based on several key concepts, including classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Implementation

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) involves identifying classes of objects that are closely related and defining the methods that operate on these objects. This also includes inheriting attributes and methods from parent classes to create a hierarchy. The term “objects” in this context was first utilised by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) allows data and the methods that operate on the data to be bundled together based on the mathematical concept of abstract data types. This bundling enables programming to advance to a higher level of abstraction, which is essential for managing the complexity of modern software systems. Nearly all developers use OOP principles at some stage in their careers.

OOP is widely taught as the standard programming paradigm in educational curricula. It revolves around the idea of classes and objects, which act as reusable blueprints for creating specific instances with shared behaviour and attributes. This method mirrors real-world interactions, making it intuitive for modelling complex systems.

What are the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts?

There are a total of 8 OOP concepts. Let’s discuss them one by one.


A class is a user-defined data type comprising data members and member functions. These members and functions can be accessed and used by creating an instance of the class. Essentially, a class acts as a blueprint for objects, representing the set of properties and methods common to all objects of that type.

Example: Consider a class called Car. While many cars have different names and brands, they all share common properties, such as having four wheels, a speed limit, and a mileage range. Here, the Car is the class, and wheels, speed limits, and mileage are its properties.


An object is a fundamental unit of Object-Oriented Programming that represents real-world entities. An object is an instance of a class. While defining a class does not allocate memory, instantiating an object does. An object has an identity, state, and behaviour. It contains data and the code to manipulate that data. Objects can interact with one another without needing to know the details of each other’s data or code; it is enough to know the type of messages accepted and the type of responses returned.

Data Abstraction

Data abstraction is one of the most crucial features of object-oriented programming. It involves providing only the essential information about data to the outside world while hiding the background details and implementation. For example, consider a person driving a car. The driver knows that pressing the accelerator increases the car’s speed, and pressing the brakes will stop the car. However, the driver does not need to understand the internal workings of the car’s engine or brake system. This separation of knowledge is what abstraction is all about.


Encapsulation refers to the bundling of data and methods that operate on that data into a single unit, typically a class. It is a mechanism that binds together code and the data it manipulates while also restricting direct access to some of the object’s components. In encapsulation, the data within a class is hidden from other classes and can only be accessed through the member functions of the class in which it is declared. This is why encapsulation is also known as data hiding.

Consider a company with different departments, such as accounts, finance, and sales. Each department manages its own data and operations. For instance, the finance department handles all financial transactions and keeps records related to finance, while the sales department manages all sales activities and records. If a finance official needs sales data for a particular month, they cannot directly access the sales records. Instead, they must request the information from the sales department, which controls access to its own data. This controlled access and separation of concerns exemplify encapsulation, where each department’s data and operations are wrapped under a single entity, like the “sales department” or “finance department”.


Inheritance is a fundamental concept in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class. This means when creating a new class, you do not need to rewrite existing properties and functions; instead, you can derive them from an existing class. Inheritance promotes code reuse and reduces redundancy, making the development process more efficient.


Polymorphism, meaning “many forms,” is the ability of a message or function to be displayed or executed in different ways. For instance, a person can have multiple roles at the same time—a man can be a father, a husband, and an employee simultaneously. The same individual exhibits different behaviours in each role. In programming, polymorphism allows objects to be treated as instances of their parent class rather than their actual class. This enables a single function to operate on objects of different classes, enhancing flexibility and integration within the code.

Dynamic Binding

Dynamic binding, also known as late binding, refers to the process where the code to be executed in response to a function call is determined at runtime. This means that the exact code associated with a given procedure call is not known until the program is running. One significant advantage of inheritance is that a derived class inherits all members of its base class. As long as the derived class does not hide any public members of the base class, an object of the derived class can be used anywhere the base class object is expected. This capability is known as subtype polymorphism.

Message Passing

Message passing is a method of communication in object-oriented programming (OOP) as well as parallel programming. In OOP, objects communicate by sending and receiving information to one another. A message for an object is a request to execute a procedure, which invokes a function in the receiving object to generate the desired results. Message passing involves specifying the object’s name, the function’s name, and the information to be sent, facilitating interaction and coordination between different objects.

Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Despite the emergence of various programming models, object-oriented programming (OOP) remains a cornerstone in DevOps and software development due to its numerous advantages:

Code Reusability

One of the key benefits of OOP is the ability to reuse code through inheritance. Inheritance allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class, eliminating the need for redundant code. This prevents issues related to duplicating code and ensures consistency across the application. By defining classes, developers can reuse code sections as many times as needed within a program. Child classes inherit the properties and behaviours of parent classes, making it easy to modify inherited methods and values.

Increased Productivity in Software Development

OOP significantly boosts productivity by enabling developers to create programs using pre-written, interconnected modules rather than starting from scratch. This modular approach allows software to be broken down into manageable, discrete problems. The ability to divide labour and focus on object-based modules enhances efficiency. Additionally, OOP is extendable, allowing new characteristics and behaviours to be added to objects. This modularity, extensibility, and reusability lead to increased productivity compared to traditional procedural programming techniques.

Simplified Troubleshooting

OOP simplifies troubleshooting by providing clear locations within the code to identify issues. When an error occurs, it typically points to the specific object or method causing the problem, reducing the need to inspect unrelated areas of the code. Encapsulation, a core OOP principle, ensures that objects are self-contained, which helps in isolating issues. This self-containment is particularly beneficial for DevOps engineers and developers, as it allows them to work on multiple projects simultaneously while avoiding code duplication and ensuring robust error handling.

Top Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Languages of 2024

Here is a quick overview of the top object-oriented programming languages essential for every developer. This list includes Python, Java, C, C#, Ruby, and more.


Python is a versatile, advanced programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming (OOP). Known for its simplicity and readability, Python is a high-level language widely used by developers across various fields. It is particularly popular for building applications, automating tasks, and data analysis.

Python’s syntax is straightforward, making it easy to learn, especially for beginners. The language emphasises code readability, and indentations are crucial for defining code blocks. Python boasts a rich ecosystem of built-in packages, libraries, and plugins that facilitate development and analysis processes. Python excels with data-focused libraries such as pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. These libraries empower developers to perform complex data manipulations and create insightful visualisations. Additionally, Python’s robust support for machine learning and web development is enhanced by libraries like TensorFlow, sci-kit-learn, and Django.

As an object-oriented programming language, Python incorporates key OOP concepts such as inheritance and encapsulation. This allows developers to create modular and reusable code, contributing to efficient and maintainable software development.


Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is widely used for developing web applications. It embodies all fundamental OOP concepts, such as encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism, which form the core of Java programming.

Java is a high-level language that is platform-independent, free to use, and easy to learn. It is known for its security features and fast performance. Java’s code is well-structured and can be reused efficiently, which enhances productivity and maintainability. The language also supports concurrency, allowing developers to implement multithreading and multitasking in their applications.

The Java ecosystem is robust, including essential tools such as the Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and Java Virtual Machine (JVM). These components collectively support the development, execution, and optimisation of Java applications.

While Java shares some similarities with C and C++ regarding syntax and commenting styles, it distinguishes itself with a focus on simplicity and security. Java’s structured approach and powerful features make it a preferred choice for many developers.


C++ is a versatile programming language that extends the capabilities of C by incorporating object-oriented programming paradigms. This enhancement provides a clear structure to the code, making it easier to manage and maintain. Java, in fact, draws considerable influence from C++.

C++ is used to develop a wide range of applications, including browsers, software applications, operating systems, and data structures. It offers robust memory management features and supports destructors, which are unique among many programming languages. Additionally, C++ supports lambda expressions or anonymous functions, enhancing its functionality.

Apart from its strong support for object-oriented programming, C++ is also suitable for procedural and functional programming paradigms, making it a powerful and flexible language. Popular development platforms for C++ include Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Dev-C++.


JavaScript is a widely-used language on the World Wide Web, known for its simplicity and ease of learning. It enables the creation of dynamic websites, controls multimedia, and animates objects. As a client-side scripting language, JavaScript allows users to store and retrieve data on devices through IndexedDB or other storage standards.

JavaScript enhances user interaction with web pages, facilitating functionalities like data forms, button actions, and hover effects. Its key advantages include versatility, extended functionality, simplicity, and speed. As the demand for dynamic, interactive websites continues to grow, proficiency in JavaScript remains a highly valuable skill in the current job market.


C# is part of the C family of languages and supports multiple programming paradigms, including functional, generic, and declarative programming. It is known for its efficient use of memory and processing power. C# is widely used on the .NET platform to develop professional, dynamic websites and is also a popular choice among game developers.

C# offers high scalability and enables faster project development, thanks in part to its just-in-time (JIT) compiler, which often provides better performance than Java’s ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler. This makes C# a preferred language for backend development, particularly with features like Windows Server Automation.

Additionally, C# supports machine learning through the ML.NET package, offering robust functionalities for building and deploying machine learning models.

In Conclusion

Object-oriented programming languages have revolutionised the way developers approach software design. These languages enhance modularity, reusability, and scalability, making them invaluable in the current world that is technology-driven. Whether you are building complex web applications, dynamic mobile apps, or intricate data processing systems, mastering OOP languages like Java, Python, C++, and C# will provide a solid foundation for your development projects.

If you want to leverage these languages’ power for your next project, consider partnering with AKAL Info. As a leading app development company, we specialise in creating robust, scalable, and innovative solutions tailored to your business needs. Let us help you bring your ideas to life with our expertise in OOP and cutting-edge development practices. Contact AKAL Info today to get started on your next big project!

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Last modified: January 4, 2025
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