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Akal is proud to be associated with Covid 19 Surveillance Portal by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

Proud to be associated with development of Covid 19 Surveillance Portal by MOHFW – Akal Infosys Ltd

AKAL is proud to be associated with the development of Covid 19 Surveillance Portal by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Coming under The Center of Health Informatics, the Surveillance Portal is launched to update Indian citizens about the ongoing cases of people who have been exposed to the Novel Coronavirus. The dashboard displays the numbers of Active Cases, Cured/ Discharged, Deaths, and Migrated in India. With a team of 10 technical experts from Akal Info, working 24*7 for almost 5 months now, the dashboard is updated daily to give citizens the right numbers on Covid-19.

Unconfirmed and hoax news circulating all over social media, especially regarding the infamous COVID-19, has agonized many citizens all across the country as well as the globe. With numbers and COVID-related issues being constantly manipulated by internet trolls, many people, without confirming the news, are rendered agitated and panic-stricken. Keeping this issue in mind, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in association with AKAL, has taken an initiative to provide the correct number of coronavirus-infected people in India.

Our team of experts at AKAL maintains the data of all facilities across India through all states and districts. The facilities include numbers of beds, isolation wards, ventilators, oxygen units, to name a few, that are currently available in and around India. They also actively follow the log of Covid-19 patients and the number of people who have been tested for COVID-19 through the Indian Council of Medical Research’s portal.

The dashboard is meticulously designed to not only to provide the numbers of COVID-19 infected people but it also showcases city-wise and district-wise hotspots such as red, green, or amber zones.

The dashboard also has Resources and State Data.

Under Resources, one can find the updated guidelines of travel, hospitals, training as well as awareness materials, and even inspirational series on healthcare service personnel, among others. The state data shows the number of Active, Cured/ Discharged/ Migrated, Deaths, and Total confirmed cases of each state in India.

There is no source more reliable than the government. So, the next time you get a random message or image of COVID-19 related subjects on any of your social media accounts, do confirm whether it’s reliable or not by visiting https://www.mohfw.gov.in/.

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